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Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation

Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is a safe, non-drug approach to treat depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Its tiny “microcurrents” are thought to stimulate the areas of the brain responsible for neurotransmitter and hormone production. Clinical tests back this up. Increases in cerebrospinal fluid level beta-endorphins up to 219%, plasma beta-endorphins up to 98%, and cerebrospinal fluid serotonin up to 200% have been demonstrated in normal volunteers receiving just 20 minutes of CES treatment. In addition, many patients report a feeling of slight to moderate euphoria after use.

CES has major implications in a number of areas. In the war on drugs, it is a formidable new weapon in the treatment of the symptoms accompanying detoxification and withdrawal. For those suffering from depression and anxiety, it means relief with none of the unpleasant side effects of prescription drugs. For those seeking nothing more than a good night’s sleep, it is an alternative to habit-forming tranquilizers. For a public increasingly concerned with the effects of stress on physical health and emotional well being, it provides a way of addressing that stress in a safe and effective manner. CES—a treatment modality whose time has come.

CES has a proven track record as far as safety is concerned. There are no known negative side effects associated with its use. It also has a substantial body of research to support its claims.